Rokita Re-Elected With Largest Vote Total in Indiana

Attorney General Todd Rokita was re-elected by the voters of Indiana for another four year term while earning the largest number for votes for any Indiana candidate on the ballot in 2024.

Voters across the state rallied behind Rokita’s  common-sense policies and our successful, winning record we have demonstrated in office. They rejected the out-of-touch values of the extreme left.

In 2020, the people of Indiana put their full trust and confidence in Todd when he was elected  Attorney General by the largest vote total in Indiana’s history for an Indiana candidate.

With the 2024 vote totals now fully in, Hoosiers have shown then continue to have trust and confidence in Todd’s leadership as he has earned the largest number of votes for any Indiana candidate on the ballot in 2024.

Todd said, “there is no question we must keep fighting to secure the border, help President Trump remove illegal alien lawbreakers, keep convicted criminals behind bars, fight bureaucratic rules that harm our jobs, and continue defending our Indiana values. Our most precious gift—our children—must also be protected from indoctrination and irreversible harm.”

“Extremists will stop at nothing to push their agenda. We must have strong common-sense leaders to protect our constitutional liberties and the values that set us apart.  I have done that daily as your Attorney General and will continue to do so now that we have been re-elected with a mandate to continue our work,” he added.

“I will continue to fight for American Exceptionalism, just as I work to put Hoosiers First. That will never change. Thank you for partnering with me in the most important fight of our time,” Todd said in thanking his supporters.

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